"He just loves you so much, Jinxu. We should be thankful for that."

"Mhmm… Okay… So that's what happened." Xue Jinxu quietly absorbed and digested the information and analysis Chen Linyun fed her. Her eyes reflected some sort of comprehension.

"How were you able to secure his approval of us?" That was the main question she was dying to know the answer for.

"I introduced myself. Somehow, I managed to convince him." He winked.

"How?" The lady was astonished at first, but then she quickly shifted her resolve into conviction. "But yeah, if he knows what kind of a person you are – your caliber, I am so sure he'll accept you. At the end of the day, he's just concerned about me and our family."

"Right?" Slipping her hands around her neck, she rubbed her nose to his amorously, teasingly. Her genuine smile never leaving her face. 'God, how I miss my husband. Although I dream of him sometimes, nothing can compare to the real thing.'