For a while, the impression of the general public towards the assailant, Xue Guangxi, wavered when he posted a photo of him and Kang Sola beside the ill-intended one which initially put him into such public scrutiny.

However, there were some students, and spectators, who were skeptical of it.

"The post that he uploaded can only prove, or rather, disprove the authenticity of the photo with the censored girl. It does not address the grave claim that he assaulted the poor girl."



It was the truth anyway. Just after a day since he uploaded the post and the student body's resolve wavered and went back onto condemning Xue Guangxi.

"That's all he's got?"

"It doesn't acquit him. It's actually not related to the main issue."

"Where's the girl anyway?"

"Maybe she's shy?"

"If you were her, will you show your face in public?"

"But then… what if Xue Guangxi really did not do it?"

"Huh! So problematic!"