Meanwhile, another video was uploaded at the same time, but this time, by Kang Sola in her vlog. It's a video which states her support for Xue Guangxi. She swept through the situation briefly, and then presented the compound photos of the original – Xue Guangxi and him – and the tampered version with the Second Master and the censored girl.

"I just want to let it out. I'm here to support my friend. Some bad people want to take him down through slander. Well, as a friend I'm going to fight with him in his battle. This is my way of clearing his name."

"I know the scale is just limited to our university, but then, he's my friend, and this is the only thing that I can do for him so I posted this vlog to support him."

Kang Sola's supporters and subscribers immediately backed her up. "We're with you, Sola!"

"The truth will be revealed!"

"Your friend will see justice! He will be vindicated in due time!"