Teng Man Rui continued to deliver her spiel.

"It's difficult for me to live with you like this, or even be around you. I cannot even bear to see you care for me so much, the way you had been doing it. It's a slap on my face! I cannot look at you in the eyes because I'm scared of what those beautiful deep eyes will reflect and tell me. I cannot endure being around you, living in your house, breathing the same air with you, wearing the clothes you bought for me, and eating the food you had prepared for me."

"Every good deed you performed for me only acted like a hammer that kept on hitting the protruding nail that was my shame. It's burying in me deeper into a quicksand I would never be able to escape if I stay here longer."

"And…" After a moment of pause, she added, "I think we have to end everything between us now, Zhu Li Qiang."