*Ding* *Ding* *Ding*

Someone was ringing the doorbell at the Chen dream house.


"Coming!" Xue Jinxu shouted from the inside, but the maid rushed towards the door and answered it. "Who's that?" Xue Jinxu inquired.

Agitated, the maid ushered in a distressed friend of the madame.

"Man Rui!" Seeing her friend, Xue Jinxu rushed towards her as the lady guest started sobbing at the sight of her and even intensified her crying while throwing herself in a bear hug onto the madame.

"Man Rui, dear, what happened? What's wrong?" Xue Jinxu turned towards the abashed assistant of Teng Man Rui, her personal maid, who carried her bags for her and stood a few paces back. "You are?"