The next day, the alluring group of elite women arrived one by one at the newest resort and country club which houses the latest and up-to-date technology of skincare treatment.

Due to Xue Jinxu's status of Madame Chen, combined with the talent of Miss Yan, Xue Jinxu's ever-loyal secretary, their group was able to book at such short notice. The establishment even classified their appointment for a VVIP or a very very important person.

Greetings were exchanged between the ladies. Being the host, Xue Jinxu convened everyone first inside a function room where they spent an hour or two for trivialities and frivolities such female socialites were used to. Afterwards, they went on the respective activities that they prefer, which include all sorts of pampering: nail care, skincare, haircare, sauna, massages, acupuncture and other forms of oriental medicine. Afterwards, at four in the afternoon, they convened again for the afternoon tea.