"Xu-er, it wasn't official but we all know that your Grampa has lifted your banishment. He has given his blessings to you and Chen Linyun during your wedding. The feud has been settled at that time, honey. I know it's untimely… But… The family… The business… We need you… Don't turn your back on us, darling."

 "What you're doing right now, can it be called living? You're just staying here inside the house 24/7, moping. What future do you have?"

Xue Jinxu closed her eyes and massaged that creased portion of her forehead between her brows. "Mother, I might be here all day and all night. But, my future is secured. My husband left me with enough to last me a lifetime, even without going out of the house."

"I can even fulfill my obligations at my husband's company even if I'm staying here moping like how you have put it."