At the other end of spectrum, at Shi Corporation…

Shi Fan Hai was summoned onto the Chairman's office yet again. Almost every day, when the chairman was present in the Shi Corporation office, he always made sure that his one hell of a son would give updates on their progress or regression, whatever direction they might take.

Every single time that Shi Fan Hai visited the office, he felt demoted onto a lower level of humanity. As prideful as he was, and as much as he would want to fight back claws and fangs against his father the savage way, he could not get away with the situation and could only swallow his words and pride.

At this specific moment in autumn, Shi Fan Hai's chest heaved up and down erratically with his chin pointed up and a frown on his daunting face as he received chidings from his father.

"How much longer should I wait? I already gave you what you have wanted! I have permitted you to woo that Teng girl! Nothing has happened yet!"