Chen Linyun ended up paying for the simple breakfast they had in the convenience store: simple grilled cheese sandwich and yogurt drink. He insisted on doing so, with the reason that he invited her for breakfast. And so, the five meals that they agreed on remained five. 

That day he stuck to her like glue and even insisted on walking her home, albeit it being uncomfortable for him. 


The girl was speechless with full hesitancy, but she figured it wouldn't hurt anyway, and this person she's with was actually fun to be with. Although he's not too responsive, he radiated with warmness which touched her. There was simply the kind of people whom you would know in an instant that they were kindred spirits, and he happened to be one. 

On the way to the girl's lodging, Chen Linyun noticed her frequently massaging her head. Upon her confirmation of having a headache, they stopped in a pharmacy first, and the boy bought some medicinal pills for her.