"Long time no see." The young lad interjected as he dropped his suitcases on the ground at the airport upon landing his eyes at the well-made up young lass that came rushing towards them in welcome. He unceremoniously grabbed her left wrist with his own left hand, pulled her into a hug, and with his right hand, cupped the back of her head. "I missed you."

Xue Jinxu gasped in surprise and shock from what had transpired. Eveything happened swiftly that she had not anticipated it nor was she able to react accordingly. 

"Hey…" She tried to escape from his hold by pushing him away and squirming a bit, but he simply wouldn't budge.

"Ahem. I'm here, too, you know." Mo Wenbin waed in the background. "Hi Jinxu! We finally meet!"

"Oops. Sorry, I got carried away." Chen Linyun pulled away almost as abruptly.

Both engulfed with new-found bashfulness, they laughed awkwardly, slightly measuring each other internally.