"Alright, Jinxu.  I don't think it would help to prolong it either.  Let's go."


"We have to meet some people.  It would be easier to share the secret with you." Chen Linyun grabbed Xue Jinxu's hand gently, guiding her to stand, and consequently towed her towards the labyrinth of streets.

They only stopped when Chen Linyun made a call to someone anonymous.  'Perhaps he informed those people that we are meeting them tonight.'

She already made a resolve.  There was no turning back at this point.  Xue Jinxu allowed her husband to guide her wherever they were about to go.

She did not care where, as long as the matter will be put to an end that night.

"We're here."

Chen Linyun announced as they stopped in front of a door.  Surprisingly, they entered a hotel and were now standing at a room that's probably where people they were meeting were staying.

Xue Jinxu inhaled deeply as she braced herself.  'So be it.'