Chen Linyun could tell that Xue Jinxu was flustered, big time.  He wrapped his loving arms around her and tried to pacify her.

Xue Jinxu's eyes stared searchingly at her husband's face.  She needed answers, but no one was responding to her inquiries.

'What happened between these two friends?  Are they not in good terms?' Chen Linyun furrowed his brows in deep thought.

'How can I answer her when I also don't know why she's here?' He tightened his hold around his wife, as he, too, was beginning to feel flustered by the turn of events.   He was expecting it to be a happy reunion between family members.  He gave Xue Jinxu's arm a soft squeeze.

Xue Minhe's visage reflected the same astonishment. 

'Did they fight?  Perhaps, I've been away too long, I didn't know anymore how things are.  They were like siblings before, these two.'