Chen Linyun thought of something.  His brow arched infinitesimally.  He closed the gap and whispered in her ear, "Now that your twin brother has returned and is alive, who's your favorite person on earth?"

His heart drummed against his chest as he completed his query inside his head, 'Is it still me?'

"Hmmm.  Let me see."

Xue Jinx pulled back from his proximity, studied his anxious face and squinted her eyes.  She looked mischievous with her playful grin.  Her almond eyes sparkled as she retorted, "It's a tie."

Chen Linyun's visage shifted for a bit.  'I guess it couldn't be helped.' He bowed his head defeatedly but with acceptance.

Xue Jinxu continued.  "It's still you… and…"

The lady grabbed her husband's right hand and placed it on her tummy.  "This guy."