The Chen couple stayed at the sports fest venue for a little longer and watched some of the games of their own teams.  Afterward, they left for the airport to pick up Mother Chen, Jiang Biyu.  She came home from Canada specifically to see for her own eyes that Chen Linyun is fine and well, and if not, to take care of him herself, together with the missus.

At the airport, they spotted her easily.  As she came out of the arrival area at the other side of the railings which separate the guests and the pick-up crew, they rushed into each others' arms in warm embraces.

"How's my favorite son doing?"

"Mother, I'm your only son, right?"

"Right, right!"She chuckled lightly, eyes sparking with inexplicable delight.  She studied her son's face, hair, and body, heart-aching while reminiscing the recent tragedy.

"I'm so glad to see you healthy and up again.  You frightened Mother…"