Teng Man Rui stayed in the hospital for a couple more weeks. During this time, she received warm well-wishes and congratulatory remarks from visitors and family members alike.

It was also during this time that they learned that her baby had such a weak heart and failing organs.

Every single day was filled with agony for Teng Man Rui, and each day matters for her. 

She called her little one, Da-Xia, which meant long summers. The new mother wanted her little Da-Xia to prevail from all her illnesses and grow into such a healthy kid.

That was her wish.

However, the baby got weaker each passing day.

It was painful enough that she couldn't even touch her little one, yet what's more painful was the fact that this little angel wasn't going to stay for long.

One sunny afternoon, at around three o'clock, Teng Man Rui received such unexpected guests in her private room in the hospital.