Chen Linyun last saw Xue Jinxu during the baby shower for their twins.

That was weeks ago. It was currently July.

Chen Linyun and Xue Jinxu had passed another milestone in their marriage – their third anniversary – apart. Three years ago in June, they tied the knot impulsively one day, just the two of them.

Three years after, that same day passed as if it was just an ordinary day for the couple.

Chen Linyun went to the office in the morning and worked his ass off, and by night time he drank with his buddies, Mo Wenbin and Zhu Li Qiang.

Xue Jinxu mostly spent her time inside her room in the Xue Mansion while listening to calming classical music. Sometimes, she revisited her canvasses and started to paint again. It helped calm her nerves.

As much as possible she did not want to think, but she still wanted to get the bottom of it.

Yet, she refused any communication with her spouse.