We are going to have a long night thought Steve because the attorney for Ezafe talked to him after every question was asked and the attorney would direct him on how to answer. Steve began to wonder about how this poor immigrant could afford this attorney who was dressed like a million dollars and sure was never a public defender he looked better defending millionaires than broke immigrants. The attorney had shoes that cost more than what Steve made in a month he thought an not to mention his suite looked to be custom made by some shop in NYC. OK ask Steve finally you were a Bio Engineer in your former country? My client does not have to answer that question his job history doesn't have any bearing. What would be incriminating about answering what he used to do? We do not need to answer that and are not required detective, and if we are finished, we are leaving.

Ok were not done and since he can't answer the question that we are asking, I think we will hold him for 24 hours and cut him loose then. You can't do that protested the attorney he will walk out f here with me right now, and this is the end of this. They started to get up when three men came into the room and closed the door behind them. You are not going any were, for now, Ezafe Morella least not until we say that you are going do you understand? The attorney started to speak up with one of the guys grabbed the attorney and said neither are you, Mr. Laster, we know who hired you and figured you would try and save your scientist. Steve was looking what was going on and was confused and asked who are you guys and what are you doing in my interrogation room? The door open and a fourth man enter and before they could answer Steve recognized the fourth man as Mr. Stevens from the dinner.

Ok, D.r Hodges, we have the results of the remains from the mortuary came in, and they tested positive for the virus matter of a fact you need to see the results the lab tech suggested handing her the paper work. Ok, she said she read over and the results and was amazed at the results. The virus had mutated somehow and wasn't allowing the cells to decay fact it was repairing them any cells that were damaged was being repaired in theory this would make it capable of never being destroyed. That was why the humans were reanimated.

Dr. Hodges walk over to the phone and called the director of the CDC and was answered on the first ring by Dr. Bill Evans. Yes, doctor Hodges what have you found? The virus has shown to be able to rebuild itself and can reanimate the recently deceased which I cannot explain without further testing. Well, D.r Hodges, we need to find what is responsible for this first. By what I understand Dr. Hodges said there is a single person that is responsible the ones that have been killing these individuals, so we took a precaution and had the victim's body's cremated to prevent an outbreak.

By the way, you will have company there Sarah the NSA has sent a team there to question a man they believe is responsible for creating this virus. Whoever did this is a genius because I have never seen anything like this before Bill it is amazing what has been done.

What do you mean the town has been sealed off and no one can leave or enter the town said Brian to the chief? Just that the town has been sealed off by the CDC and they are trying to find this guy that attacked you seem that he has a contagious virus that possible is very dangerous. Shawn was bitten and was infected with it, and that is how they discovered it is contagious cause it started killing Shawn. Am I infected said Brian with alarm? No by what the doctor told me you have to be bitten by the guy. Steve is down in integration room talking to Ezafe now because it turned out that the guy used to be a bioengineer in the Soviet Union. So, this thing could be man-made virus ask Brian? Where not sure but as I said Brian is speaking with him now.

Captain a knock came at the door, and a very well dressed man enters the room I am sorry to interrupt I am Agent Stevens, and I am with NSA, and we need to speak for a moment alone. Ok, captain, I need to get hope to my wife and try explaining this to her and hope she can understand. Brian gets up to leave, and Mr. Stevens comes in and shakes the captain's hand, and they both sit down.

The creature awakes from is slumber and senses things have changed since he had slept a sense of dangers was in the air and it knew they had found his liar and that he was trapped now.