Ezafe we know that you had something to do with the creation of this creature and we are going to find out where you are hiding it. My client doesn't have to answer anything you ask then Stevens pulls out an MNP and sticks into the face of the attorney. Steve starts to stand down Marine this is national security, and I explain later this guy here is a wanting to destroy our country and turn it into a testing ground for his experiments.

I don't like this at all Steve said because you don't pull a weapon on an attorney and suspend their rights like this! This is a national security matter Stevens said, and I can do what I deem necessary to protect this country and its security, and this attorney so far is about to be considered a risk. Attorney Brent Laster knew he was about to be killed if he opens his mouth one more time. He knew if he didn't they would find out the whole plan that his employers did not want to come to light.

Later that evening Brian made it home it was already dinner time, and He was not hungry he was thinking over how to tell Patty that the town was being quarantined. He got out of the car and headed to the front door and went into the house. Patty was sitting on the couch looking at her cell phone, and turns tell Brian. Honey some strange reason my cell has no signal and the internet is off I can't get in touch with anyone you have any idea what is going on? Brian looked at her and said, baby, I got some news I need you and Brian in here, please. What is it baby you are scaring me what is going on out there? Honey, please get Brian, and I will explain everything ok. All right she turns and heads to Brian's bedroom and come back a few minutes later.

Ok, guys, I talk to the chief, and there is a problem right now, and I need both of you to be calm and listen to me ok? Brian and Patty both nodded the CDC has quarantined the town because of the murders of those three people. The person that killed them has some virus, and they need to stop it here, so it doesn't go anywhere else. So, tell then I want you guys to lock every window in the house I also want you to understand we are going to be ok cause they have the military here to protect us. I want you both to remain calm ok if we lose our heads we will be no good to each other ok? Patty had tears forming, and Brian Jr turns and hugs her. Mom, we will be fine because of dads here and uncle Steve also protect us. She opened her arms and hugged her son and look up at her husband and mouthed I love you and he came over and hugged them both.

Well, we have determined that the virus can not be spread through the air and it can only be spread by a bite or contact with infected blood. We are not sure of the time frame for it to reanimate a decaying cell yet but we are working on it said the tech. That is good Dr. Sarah said as then the tech handed her the report then turned and walked out of the room. The Mercy of our Heavenly Father Hospital was ground zero for this operation soon the military be moving in searching for the person that is spreading this infection. Then she would wrap this up and go home to Atlanta and get to see her son, but she had to force that to the back of her mind as Dr. Maddison came in.

Sarah, I am headed home for the night and wanted to ask and see if any new results have come in so far? Yes, just a few moments ago. This virus can only be spread by a bite or contact with the infected blood, and they are working on a time frame to see how long it take the infected blood need to reanimate a decaying cell. Wow, Dr. Madison never exclaimed in a million years would I think that this would happen or even be possible but here we are shaking his head Yea it is crazy Sarah said. Well, I see you in the morning so good night, good night Doctor we see you in the morning bright and early.

Steve set back down at the table Ezafe look at Mr. Stevens and said I was a bio Engineer for twelve years and this is my work before I cam here to America. I perfected this creature he is the perfect killing machine he can alter his DNA and turn into anything he wishes. He is unstoppable and will live long after we are all dust in the air he said with a smile. Steve was in shock he always felt kind of sorry for Ezafe because he had immigrated here to this country and was trying to be part of the American dream.

This wasn't the Ezafe he had grown to like and then also why did he defend Steve and Brian from the creature as he called it?

Steven motion for the attorney to leave the room and the three men who had entered the room before he arrived took the man by the arm and escorted him out of the room. Why did you bring it here for Ezafe why Waterville? Because it is a small town is where we could let it lose and to feed. After all, i am its father and we must feed it is my child!