They got one of the creatures last night not sure which one, but they killed one said Agent Stevens to Chief Murphy. That is good news the one that was here last night has put three men in the hospital with broken arms and cracked ribs. Whatever they are they are powerful said the captain. Yes, said the agent Stevens they are not what you would want to find in a dark alley. They seem to me rather something from a sci-fi comic book or movie.

Agent I know you cannot tell me said captain Murphy but why did you guys wait till now to get this guy? Well, we had him in the sixties, and he slipped away from us and disappeared into the city. He was a well-known scientist in the former Soviet Union he was Born in a small village in Moldavia he was born in the early thirty's and lived there tell the Nazis killed his parents and his whole village. He was able to hide and to make it to Soviet lines where he was saved. He was a star pupil all through grammar and high school and then was sent to college and become a bioengineer. There Ezafe showed much promise, so they put Ezafe in charge of a program that would bring the United States too are knees. A bioweapon like what we saw here in Waterville that killed five people.

The Soviets had planned to unleash that creature in figured it would turn the united states into a land full of those creatures then they would clear the country with some ultraviolet radiation weapons. So, with that done they would have a nation ready to settle and with no damage to the infrastructure and no costly war to fight. They would be able to take over the world with then with the USA out of the way.

That is an incredible plan how come it didn't go the way they planned? Well, when Ezafe got here, there was a power change in Moscow, and the project was mothballed. The CIA found out about it a few months after they mothballed it and alerted us to Ezafe. So, in the sixties four he tried to unleash one of the creatures, and that is when we almost got him. We track the creature back to the subway by watching him, and we moved a team in and was able to kill the creature, but Ezafe escaped into an air vent then into central park.

That attorney that was here was another one of the former agents for the Soviets his name is Vladimir Laster. He is a high-powered attorney from NYC that defends the Russian mob and the Soviet's interest here in the United States. He is in Canada since we released him I bet hiding out tell this all blows over.

Dr. we have swept the area, and we have picked up all the pieces of the creature. Sergeant Miller head of the recovery team was saying to doctor Hodges. The team also sterilized the area with the ultraviolet radiation as you requested. Thank you, sergeant replied Dr. Hodges, and we don't want this spreading to animals and then back to the humans. The bioengineer virus is a nasty virus said, sergeant Miller if it was to escape the confinement area it could be disastrous for everything.

There is something I don't understand said Dr. Madison to Dr. Hodges this is a bioengineered virus but how did they get it to mutate the DNA and make it have the ability to reanimate dead cells? I am no bioengineer said Dr. Madison but if this was applied right in a different way it could help humans live forever and never grow old or sick. I agree said, Dr. Hodges, if this was applied right, it could be the fountain of youth, but someone is using it for the evil which seems to be typical of humankind. The Blackhawks hovering overhead now an begin landing when they touched down everyone started loading body bags and equipment into the Blackhawks, and then they were airborne on their way back to base.

Ezafe was safely out of the quarantine area and resting on a park bench in a park in Montreal Canada. Unlike his creation, he was able to survive in the sunlight, unlike the other creature it did not affect him. When he had designed this virus, he had taken his DNA and mutated it and made his creation. He had been infected when he was a child from a true Strigoi when he and his father had eaten the heart of one they had killed. The creature was half human and half bat it survived on the blood of its victims both human and animal.

Then attorney Lester whom Ezafe had contacted earlier in the morning came and set down next to him on the park bench and said you had escaped this time next you might not be so lucky, comrade. I know he said and next time I will be more careful. I have a plan how to reenter the country, and this time I will build multiple creatures in different states, and when the time is right I will activate them, and then my mission is complete.

What is this plan, so I can inform command they will be very interested in it? I will let you know this evening meet me here around ten pm and I will share with you everything. I will need a new passport and identification so that I can enter the united states and a CDL driver's license so that I might be able to operate a semi-truck in the united states. A CDL license ask the attorney? Yes, an American CDL driver's license so that I might be able to move among the States so that I will not attract attention to my activities.

Well, they got it last night Steve said talking to his friend and fellow detective Brian they hit him with a million candles of UV light, and it exploded. Wow, Brian said I guess it was a vampire, after all. It was not a vampire explained Steve it was a bioengineered creature that Ezafe, the guy that saved us created. What he built that thing? Yea it wasn't supposed to attack yet, and he had to drive it back to hibernation tell it was time it was activated too early they are guessing.

I know that thing sure whipped us fairly easy Brian said holding up his broken arm and smiling with a grimaced look. I know Steve was holding his still healing ribs. Steve, Brian said I want to tell you that I am leaving here, and Patty and I are moving back to California as soon as possible, and I wanted you to know. I figured you were going to do something you guys are not happy here and I don't blame you especially that patty has that job in Los Angles. Yea we are going to move to Bakersfield where I grew up, and Patty and I met. The only reason we moved here was that of Patty's job she had in New York.

Well you know I might go with you because I need a new start myself. Ever since I lost Amy and the kids I have only been going through the motion of living and not living. I think getting back out to the west coast it will be good for me plus how you expect me to be able to train a new partner?