Areas and searched every possible place said, Steve. I know he did the same thing in New York and I know he has to be here. Brian was sitting across from Steve at his desk and remembered that his son had mentioned the cave at the old abandon church. It dawns on him I think I might know he is hiding he said there are an old abandoned church and my son mention that there was a cave where he could be hiding in that. Steve, I think he writes because we would never have looked for a cave it makes perfect since said agent Stevens. We need to get a team cause if he is there we are not going to lose him this time!

About an hour later an assault force of about a hundred men was formed up and ready for deployment. They had located the old abandon church and had gone through the old city archives and found a blueprint for the church that was dated in the late seventeen hundred. It had a catacomb underneath it, and they link to an old cave system, so this would be a perfect place to hide. The teams loaded up on four black hawks and headed to the sight of the old church.

Well, this is going to an interesting day thought David as he went into the captain's office to head back to work after his near-death experience. Captain Officer Shawn says saluting and standing at attention I am reporting for duty, sir. Murphy looks up from his computer and returns the salute please at easy and grab you a seat. Shawn grabs a chair and pulls it close to him and sits down. I have a special duty for you today Shawn said the chief I want you to monitor communication and handled the 911 calls. I know it is not an outside patrol, but it is where we are the shortest handed while a few of the officers recover from their run-in with that creature that was here. I understand said David, and he was glad that he was inside now because after his two encounters with that creature he did not want anything else to do with them.