Know have a great warrior, but this will take a miracle to accomplish. I think he will succeed cause greed does wonder for a mission to succeed dear if not we will not worry because he will be dead, and we do not know of him.

Urie walks out into the snow that was falling in the streets of Moscow. He entered his chauffer driven Bentley and was whisked away into the traffic that was always present in Moscow. He dialed a number on his cell phone and his chief of staff Peter Rastove answered Yes sir? We are a go Peter get our team ready we are going in the low key as a tourist into New York then we will need to contact our American agents and prepare some equipment for extended operation. Yes, Sir is there anything else you like done sir? I want tickets to the Opera tonight private box please because me, and Nikkita has a date.

Almost five thousand miles away a technician records the call and flags it and sends an email to the operation manager. A few moments later Chad Lindsey reads the technicians email and picks up the phone receiver and dials the Moscow CIA liaison, Barney Weatherly. Yes, secure the line I am secure on my end. I am secured and in a sealed room came the response from the agent. We need eyes and ears on Urie Abramovich he is planning an operation on American soil, and we need to know where and when, so we can get assets into place. Are k5 satellite has picked up a satellite call between him and his chief of staff, and he will be at an opera tonight.

Later that night a Bentley shows up at the up-town apartment of Nikkita Rasneiko. She came out in a formal evening dress and she looked very stunning and next to her was Urie in a twenty-five hundred dollar Armani suit. He helps her into the car and then got in himself the bodyguard closed the door, and they headed out into traffic they had two cars in front and two cars in back to follow if any trouble. We are going to the Opera Tonight Nikkita ask as she crosses her leg exposing a beautiful white leg. Yes, the CIA is expecting us there we shouldn't disappoint them he responded.

You know they are spying on you, and you allow this Nikkita asked intrigued. Yes, my dear Uri responded it is cause I am letting them think I am coming to New York, but I am heading to Mexico than into the desert of Arizona because Ezafe is there. Shocked She looked at him how do you know this, and my brother does not? I can not expose my secret dear he responded wit ha smile. Ah, we are here he said with a smile of satisfaction. I will be leaving you here tonight because I will be sneaking out through the basement. She looked at him you know you make it hard to love you dear she said with a smile I know my dear, but you do it so well as he kissed her, and they exited the car hand in hand.

You got him team one yep he is exiting the car let team two know he headed their zone. Team two you have them asked Weatherly? Yep we got him he is going into the bathroom, and his date is waiting on him. Get a man in the bathroom make sure he is there Weatherly said in a worried tone. We got it covered he went into a stall we have two men in there with him, and three guys in boxes next to him and his box is registered for sound.

In the stall were Uri was at was not a standard stall it had been created by the KGB to help agents drop their tails and sneak out through a group of tunnels built throughout the city. The toilet slid into the wall, and Uri then looked down a long dark tunnel with a row of rungs going down into the dark. A light appeared at the bottom it was Uri body double and waiting to switch places with him Uri reached, and his double went up he reached the top, and he hit a button that was hidden in the wall, and the toilet slid back out and he flushed the toilet and walked out and washed his hands. He nodded at the two agents who acted like they were there washing their hands and he finished walking his hands and walk out to were Nikkita was waiting.