Uri was on a flight to Juárez Mexico where he would connect with an operative there. There they would supply him with a new passport and identification. He would then walk across the border into El Paso Texas. Then walk to a nearby parking lot where his operation team who had came in from Canada would pick him up, and then they head to Phoenix Arizona were Uri had tracked some of the money that the Late Attorney Brent Laster had given him. It seems Ezafe had bought himself a new refrigerated van and he might be inspired to complete his plan of infecting the Americans with his engineered virus. Uri understood what Ezafe wanted to do, and he had thought the scientist a madman who would want a race of superhumans that feasted on human blood was crazy and unnatural he thought.

Uri was looking out the window of the Boing 747 that was at its cruising altitude of forty thousand feet and pondering how small the world looked from this height. He was about two hours from landing, so he figured he would get a nap for a few moments cause it will be a rough few days of chasing and hunting.

Michelle was thinking how that Neanderthal could have information on were Ezafe was and he didn't! Nikkita are you sure he asked, that is what he said that he was headed to Arizona that he had found Ezafe there? Yes, brother, that is what he said to me before he left. He never mentioned how he found out, but I think you need to check your contacts again and see if maybe you missed something brother. I will sister and by the way can you make some more of the wonderful coffee of yours it will be a long day, and I need the extra strength.

That evening Ezafe was driving down interstate Eight westbound, he had just passed Gila Bend Arizona and was on his way back to San Diego California. He had for the last few days been going back and forth interstate eight looking for a person so that he could start his plan. So far it was not working very well he had search through the night and couldn't find a single illegal immigrant that he could single out and transform. Tonight was going to be different because along the road was a man walking with his thumb out. He hurried and pulled over to the side of the freeway the man hurry up to the passenger side and got into the van.

Agent Robert Stevens was sitting at his desk in Langley he was busy going through reports of missing person from all across North America he was trying to find the verbal Needle in the haystack he thought. He knew that Ezafe was out there and could be infecting people as he was setting there. Then he hit a nugget of information that made him sit up in his chair. Facial recognition had spotted ezafe in Phoenix Arizona a few weeks ago he was caught on a surveillance camera at a bank across the street at a Freightliner dealer. He picked up the phone and dialed the airline he was going to Arizona. He will alert the Arizona office he thought and had them bring in all available agents in and have them start going through Arizona inch by inch he thought.

The man was gagged and bound and was laying in the back of the van. Ezafe had to hit him because he started to try and fight with when Ezafe when he would not allow him to get out of the van when he wanted too, then Ezafe had to subdue him and tie him up. He found a small rest area that was secluded just outside Yuma Arizona it was dark and only people there were some semi-truck that was park there, and the drivers were resting.

Ezafe went into the refrigerated part of the van through a door behind the passenger seat. The man was laying there gagged and tied up. Then Ezafe bent down and smiled showing rows of wicked looking teeth the man's eyes grew full of terror. Ezafe said to him You will die one day, but for now, you will live forever the man let out a muffled scream. Ezafe head opened up more revealing rows of sharpened fangs, and then Ezafe plunges into the helpless man neck and chest area. In a few moments, it was over, Ezafe figure in about three days the man would be done with his transformation. He would need to find a safe place to this transformation was complete then Ezafe would leave and head north then to Los Angles where he would find another victim to transform, and thus would start the process of infecting more people, and then eventually they would have an army that no human could stop.

Stevens was on the phone with the director of the CIA Roger Mathers. Yes, sir, I think I found Ezafe in Phoenix Arizona sir, and I like to activate all agents possible in Arizona and California then have them head to Phoenix and meet me there so that we can search the town. Mathers agreed and authorized Stevens to activate the agents that he would need then to begin the operation. Thank you, sir. Stevens said and then hung up the phone.

I got two agents whom I know would love another crack at Ezafe, Stevens was thinking. He reached for the phone and dialed the cells of special agent Weaver and Morrison there in Bakersfield California. Steve answered the phone Agent Weaver he responded, Steve this is Special agent Stevens how you are doing you? Are adjusting to California? Yes, sir, we sure are what can I do for you? I got a job for you and Morrison you might want to get your bags packed he said.