Ezafe was unaware that he was being followed and continued to the storage area ere he kept the locker with the body of his victims. They would need a long-range Storage he thought were none could find them he thought. He made a right turn into the building, and h glanced in his rear-view mirror and thought he recognized a driver that he knew Was that Steve he thought? He glanced back again, and he was sure that was Steve. How did he find me he thought?

Something is wrong Uri said in the radio. Back off he said we got a problem Ezafe has recognized someone and is spooked. Uri looked around and spotted Steve and Brian and realized the Americans knew Ezafe was and this whole operation was about to fail and with that all his money. Grab those two guys over there in the car he ordered they are American agents we got to get them before they can give the target's location.

Steve never saw the Spetsnaz agent who stuck the barrel of the Glock .45 to his head also Brian was taken by surprise by the blade of the combat knife that was held to his throat. They had appeared out of no were and taken both men like the professionals that they were. You come with us now and don't make a sound, or we kill you right here one of the Spetsnaz had said. Brian and Steve got out of the car without causing any struggle and walked in the direction the soldiers were pushing them. There was a scream from behind Steve and Brian. Both men turned around to see ezafe opening his mouth and sinking them into on soldier. Then knocking the other one across the street with one arm he was dead were he landed, and you could tell this because his head was gone.

Uri and his men seeing the attack rushed to the fight and opened fire with suppressed H&K submachine guns on Ezafe. He hissed at the men and leaped into the air and disappeared not to want to engage the men. Uri and the team were quickly on Steve and Brian they were cuffed and thrown into the van along with two bodies. Then they sped off headed out of Yuma to their motel that was just across the state line in California. Uri looked at the two men and asked in a perfect English voice, where are the rest of your agents? We are not alone there is a helicopter with eyes on you right now Steve trying to sound confident. You have just kidnapped to federal agents and concealed a multiple murder scene not to mention those automatic weapons. You are in enough trouble so pull over and wait tell the Swat team makes it way here.

You know agents I am sure you are lying said Uri with a smile because you are alone there, and if they were following us, the would have done been here and arrested us. Steve and Brian knew that he was correct their bluff was falling apart because they had not been able to contact operation support because they had no cell signal where they were. Then everything had happened with the creature attacking and killing the two men, and then they were captured and cuffed and at the mercy of whoever this was. Steve figured by their accent he had heard from the other men that they were Russians who want Ezafe and his secret dead.

Ezafe needs to get away he had been found the Spetsnaz would find his creations and destroy them he needs to get away into the desert. Ezafe looked down and seen a train that was headed toward the north, and that would be perfect he would go north and find a place there to start his army. He landed on the roof of the train and climbed down the later and found himself a spot he could ride, and rest tell he was safely away from this place.

Next day Agent Stevens was upset because they had found Steve and Brian's car abandon. Also a lot of blood that was not theirs and a lot of shell casing they also turned up six bodies that had been infected and were about to be unleashed on the world. They had been incinerated, and ash put into a barrel and was waiting to be sent to a toxic waste disposal area.