Well, Uri has mess thing up Michelle said to Nikkita he had lost Ezafe and the Americans are now looking for him because he has taken to special agents' hostage and on the run with them. He sipped his coffee and looked at her. I need a ticket to Yuma Arizona for tomorrow I am going to take over the operation and take care of this idiot once and for all Michelle said as he withdrew a piece of paper and wrote down a number and handed it to Nikkita. She looked at them, and back to him you wish me to call him she said nervously. Yes, in the morning and instruct him to clean all assets of this operation if I do not return. However, Michelle, that means they will kill everyone including us! If I do not return sister, I am dead.

Uri was angry. He was mad at his stupidity that got two of his men killed and that he let Ezafe escape. He looked at the two American agents sitting on the floor gagged and blindfolded and trying to figure out what he was going to do with them. He could shoot them and dump their bodies along the road, or he could interrogate and see how much that they know about Ezafe.

You are American agents who have been sent to find and kill Ezafe Uri ask Steve and Brian? We are NSA and what we do is not of your concern Brian responded in kind. Ahh, tuff American Uri laughed then draw back his boot and kicked Brian square in the face breaking Brian's nose. Brian reeled in pain and let out a scream of pain. Non would hear the cry Uri knew because they were in the middle of the desert outside Yuma Arizona. Steve growled at him you leave him alone you bastard! Uri looked at the Steve so what do you know about Ezafe Morella? Steve looked up at Uri and said what your interest in him? Uri punched Steve in the mouth and busted his lip causing blood to fly every were. One last time why are you both looking for this man? Steve looked at Uri and spat blood on his boots. We will not tell you anything! Brain had finally come out of the stun of the blow Uri had given him and said you might as well let us go because every agent in the nation will be looking for us! Ahh yes, they might say Uri he withdrew a sig sour .45 and shot Steve in the leg he let out a howl of pain and curse words.

Uri motion his other men to mount up and bent down and told Brian I have shot your partner in the leg so that way you both will take a while to make it to the road that is back that direction pointing to the west with his hand. Maybe you can get there before dark and get help if not well he will die. Uri got back up and walked over to the van and got in and the team pulled off toward the west.

Ezafe awoke when the train was slowing down, he didn't know where he was at but appeared to be a large city, so he figured it would find out in a few mins and get something to eat. He couldn't figure out how they had found him because he was so careful about everything he had done. Then he looked at the money that the attorney had given him and realized it must have been marked.

He jumped off the train car after it had stopped and was walking over to the tree line that was on the other side of the rail yard. Once he was there, he decided he would go to western union and wire himself money to another side of town and launder the cash, so they lose the ability to track him.

Steve was in a lot of pain and Brian was trying to get untied and was struggling with his rope when he finally got his arm free and untied himself. He figured it had taken him about an hour to get himself untied and Steve was about to bleed out if he doesn't get over there and do something about it.

Brian got over there to where Steve was then he took off his shirt and ripped it into pieces and tied part around Steve upper leg to shut off the blood and then took another part and wrapped around the wound applying direct pressure. He did notice that the wound had an entrance and exit, so that was good.

Steve moaned in pain as the Brian applied the pressure. Well think we are even now for Waterville he said with a pained smile to Brian. Brian laugh yea but let's not make this a habit ok! Well let's get me to the shade, and you get to the road and get us some help I will be fine here. Ok, I will be back shortly with help Briand said.