What a day

After a few hours later Brian return with a pickup truck that he had flag down on the high way. He had explained to the driver Fred that he was an NSA agent and he had a partner that had been shot and he needed an ambulance. Then Fred advised him nearest town that had medical facility was Yuma Arizona, and that was two hours away. So, Brian opted to have him take him back to were Steve was and take him to Yuma and get him help there.

Steve was laying against a tree he had gotten the bleeding controlled and was relaxing when he saw the pickup coming up the road. He was glad to see that Brain had gotten help, but he was wondering where the ambulance was. You ok asked Brian? Yea I am fine the bleeding has stopped were you able to get help asked Steve? This is Fred Brian responded, he going to give us left back to Yuma he said we are two hours away from Yuma and that is the nearest town.

Agent Lopez walked into the office of Agent Stephens and said, Sir, we have located agents Weaver and Morrison they are at Yuma Regional Medical Center seem Weaver was shot in the leg. Is he going to be ok Stephens asked? Yes, sir according to Morrison it was a clean shot through his leg no significant damage he requesting that you meet him their sir Lopez was saying. Ok, tell him I will be there a couple of hours. Lopez turned and walked out and headed back to his desk. Stephens was in Phoenix and would need a chopper to get him to Yuma as fast as he could because he needed to debrief those two and see what the hell had happened. He dialed the air national guard station at the airport and advice the colonial that was in charge there that he needed a chopper to Yuma asap and that it was a matter of national security.

Later that same evening Ezafe was tired he had been running now two days now, and he has been on a freight train that he jump on in Yuma Arizona all the way to Denver. There he got off and rested for a few hours and got on another freight headed to Washington State. He figures it might be Washington state because it was going in that direction. I need to get to where they can't find me so that I might be able to prepare my army and punish those who have betrayed me Ezafe was thinking.

That morning he was awoken by a jerking as the train slowed down and also Ezafe notice that he could see his breath and it was brutally cold. The temperature had to be in the teens if not below zero he was thinking. While sitting there wrap in a blanket he had bought back in Denver he looked out the door of the boxcar and all he saw was mountains and trees that seem to reach into the sky he thought. This was so pretty something that you would see on a postcard he have expected to see an old church and a small town with kids playing and havening snowball fights at any moment.

He thought back to his village in Moldavia and the winters there. It was always a peaceful time of the year when the snow fell because the creature that had attacked them all year was asleep and would not come out till the spring. It was the perfect time the elders thought to finally destroy it because it had terrorized the village for centuries and that year it had been practically more brutal than any time in the past. It had killed twelve people that year and attacked their live stocked which was the town's source of income.

Ezafe thoughts were broken as the trained jerk again and started to slow down more. He figured they were slowing down because the mountains were steep and wit the snow coming down the tracks would be slick, and the train would lose traction.

Michelle flight had landed in Mexico City, and he was tired it had been a fourteen-hour flight from Moscow to Mexico City, and he was ready for a shower and a nice soft bed. Uri was there at the reception gate waiting on him with an air-conditioned van that would take them both to a four-star motel where they could discuss the complication of losing Ezafe and Uri shooting an American NSA agent.

All through the airport, they did not speak an ounce they were in the car Michelle turned to Uri and said, what the hell have you done you, idiot, he hissed. We have the NSA and every single agency the Americans have looked for you and your men! You have complicated this beyond words! I should have you killed and then revived and shot again for what you have done! I never screed up the Americans are the one who screwed things up Ezafe spotted the two agents, and that alerted him to my men and myself. It makes no matter the operation is will be complicated at best because we have lost ezafe and the Americans are looking for you now.