
Xi Xinyi realized that she lost control in the instant she screamed. She then took a deep breath in, trying to calm down. However, Xi Xiaye was not giving her any room to catch her breath.

"I also found out someone transferred $200,000 into his account several months ago. I wonder if it's related to you. Well, we'll know soon enough!"

Just as Xi Xiaye finished her sentence, her phone started ringing. She grinned coldly as she took it. Then, her mouth formed an "O" when she saw who was calling. She shot Xi Xinyi a meaningful glance before waving her phone at her. "See..."

She then answered the call and turned on the loudspeaker.

"Ms. Xi, it's me. I've confirmed that Huang Shanshan transferred $200,000 into Yang Jianfeng's account, and the next day, Xi Xinyi transferred $200,000 to Huang Shanshan." Detective Zhang's deep voice came through the phone.