Disappointment and Frustration (1)

When Xi Xiaye arrived at the bottom of the building, there was still a large group of reporters trying to force their way inside Yueying. The Yueying security guards used up all their forces and could barely hold them back.

She did not halt in her steps as she walked through and stopped at the car beside the crowd.

"Director Xi, are we going straight back to the company?" Xiao Mei asked carefully as Xi Xiaye's expression seemed cold. She seemed to be even cooler than her usual self.

Xi Xiaye opened the door and sat inside. Buckling up, she said, "Help me send this to the Han Corporation first, and then send the document back to the PR Department."

She then handed a thick leather-bound envelope to Xiao Mei.

Xiao Mei closed the door and took the item from her. Studying it in doubt, she was then surprised to see the address printed on it. As she was about to ask Xi Xiaye something, she changed her mind after she saw Xi Xiaye's cold face.