Baby Boy or Baby Girl? (1)

When he saw Qi Lei's figure, Ah Mo's expression shifted. Vigilance flashed in Ji Zitong's eyes as she looked at Ah Mo.

The two of them exchanged a look, and then their eyes were fixed on Qi Lei who walked over in huge strides.

Qi Lei did not seem to notice their gazes. He stopped casually beside Xi Xiaye.

"I thought that the person handling her funeral would be Xi Xinyi, but it turned out to be you."

Qi Lei set the flowers down before Deng Wenwen's tombstone. He straightened up as he spoke with a smile curved on his lips, "I heard that the Han family has been busy organizing a banquet recently. With this unexpected development, they have to pick a new date."

Xi Xiaye did not respond and just laughed mockingly.