Baby Boy or Baby Girl? (2)

Xi Xiaye greeted Ruan Heng's parents with a nod as she walked towards Su Nan's mother.

"It's slightly earlier than expected, but thanks to the doctor's reminder, we're quite prepared. She's already been inside for several hours, but there's no news at all!" Ruan Heng was worried.

"Trust the doctors. Nannan has been taking care of herself, and she'll have a smooth delivery."

Su Nan's mother looked at Ruan Heng peculiarly. All the new fathers acted similarly. Su Nan's father was like that back then too.

Xi Xiaye smiled. Suddenly, there was a sound coming from the operating theatre, They looked over as the doors swung open. The doctor and the nurses wheeled Su Nan out with one of the nurses holding a baby.

Ruan Heng rushed towards the bed as he asked, "Doctor, how's my wife?"

"Congratulations! Both your wife and your daughter are safe! Your wife is very weak now and she needs rest, so let's send her to the ward first."