Always Be This Happy? (2)

When she received Xi Xiaye's nod, Mu Lingshi went to get the door.

Xi Xiaye answered the call, and the man's deep voice immediately came through. "It's me. Have you had lunch?"

"Not yet. I was just preparing some food with Ah Shi," Xi Xiaye responded.

"Mmm, eat more, but I need you to help me do something. Go to the study room. On the second shelf, in the hidden grid on the third row, there's a folder with an 'X' on it. Take it down and hand it to Qi Lei. He should be reaching Maple Residence right now." His deep and magnetic voice came through, astonishing her.

Xi Xiaye glanced at the screen by the door and asked in puzzlement, "Document folder? Hand to Qi Lei? Since when did you become this close to him?" 

"Didn't I tell you that there's no such thing as an eternal enemy but only eternal benefits? This is men's business. Don't worry about it. Go upstairs right now and bring the thing to him, hmm?" His gentle voice contained a smile.