Always Be This Happy? (3)

Always be this happy?

Xi Xiaye raised her brows. Obviously, she thought it was odd. As she watched Qi Lei move further away, the light that gathered in her eyes did not dim until Mu Lingshi called out to her, snapping her out of her thoughts.

Mu Lingshi followed Xi Xiaye's gaze and watched the retreating figure for a long while before she could not help but ask, "Sis-in-law, what did Qi Lei mean? What did my brother ask you to hand to him?"

Xi Xiaye shook her head, lowering her gaze to hide the questions in her eyes as she said softly, "He said it's a document which should be for work. Let him be. Let's have lunch first."

"Since when did my brother make peace with this guy? Sis-in-law, you have to remind Brother to be more vigilant. He's always been loyal to Gu Lingshi, so we can't guarantee that he won't have ill intentions against Brother because of the incident. It's best to keep your guard up against people like him."