A Great Man Has To Be Ruthless (2)

Xi Xiaye was carefully observing Mu Lingshi's expression when she spoke.

Mu Lingshi sniffled as she nodded. "I didn't really understand it before, but I get it now. Mother spoke to me for the whole night yesterday. I know all of you are doing this for my sake. I'm doing my best to get over this as well."

"Mmm, it's great that you have this mindset. I believe you can do it. You've survived harder battles, this is nothing." With such a warm tone of voice, Mu Lingshi took in Xi Xiaye's words easily.

"I remember feeling pretty devastated when my parents got divorced when I was still a little child. I was under my father's custody after they got divorced, but he was so busy that he hardly had any time for me. Every day, I'm afraid of nightfall because it makes me feel that I've lost everything and that I'm all alone in this vast world."