A Great Man Has To Be Ruthless (3)

Dumbfounded for a moment, she turned towards him and noticed that he closed his eyes and stuck close to her neck.

She smiled after a while as she put her hand atop the huge pair on her waist. Her tone was gentle like flowing water as she asked, "What's wrong? Why did you suddenly ask something like that? This isn't like you at all!"

"Answer me first," he insisted on a reply as he tightened his grip on her waist.

She smiled helplessly. "I'll never be able to leave you if you continue to shower me with love."

He was not really satisfied with her answer. "Being unable to leave me is different from not wanting to leave me."

"Fine...I'll forever be yours, alright?" She waved her hand with the wedding ring that was shining under the rays of the sunset. "Do I not make you feel secure, Mr. Mu?"

"Aren't I the one who keeps providing you a sense of security?" He stared at her, quickly grabbing her hand and kissing the back of her hand as he smiled.