Ridiculous Joke! (1)

Compared to the peace on Xi Xiaye's end, things were not going as well on Doris and Gu Lingsha's end.

In the afternoon, Gu Lingsha rushed nervously to Hospital T to visit Doris.

Early in the morning, the news from yesterday was plastered all over the media. Qi Kai Corporation was surrounded by a group of reporters too, but Gu Qiwu was nowhere to be seen.

When Gu Lingsha delivered the soup that she brewed herself, she could see quite a few bodyguards in the corridor from afar. Things did not seem right, so she tried to find out what happened. Eventually, she found out that Gu Qiwu had left angrily in the morning because he seemed to have fought with Doris.

Gu Lingsha obviously did not know about the conflict between Doris and Gu Qiwu. She did not know about all the things Doris had been doing behind Gu Qiwu's back!

However, she felt oddly uneasy and even a little terrified right now!