Ridiculous Joke! (2)

Gu Lingsha bore the grievance and pain as she walked out of Doris's ward.

The second she walked out, she saw Ah Yong talking to the bodyguards.

She thought about it before wiping away her tears and forgetting about the pain on her face. Then, she walked up in a few huge strides and called to interrupt him, "Ah Yong! Hold on! Where's my father? Why isn't he with my mother? Where did he go?"

If it were in the past, Gu Qiwu would have been right by Doris's side by now, but now he was nowhere to be found. Gu Lingsha thought it was very weird, so she could not help but question.

When Ah Yong heard Gu Lingsha's voice, he turned to look and saw the clear mark of a slap on her face. Evidently, it was Doris's work.

Doris was always like that. Even in a public place with everyone around, she did not give Gu Qiwu any face at all, much less Gu Lingsha.