Fickle In Love (2)

When he was about to walk past her, he suddenly said gently, "Don't talk till it's too late. It's cold outside."

By the time Xi Xiaye could react to that, Mu Yuchen's lean figure had already vanished at the doorway.

Xi Xiaye fell silent for a moment, and when she saw that he had left, she breathed in and walked over to Han Yifeng.

They had not met for such a long time. Han Yifeng looked like he still had a lot to say to Xi Xiaye, yet he did not know where to start.

Xi Xiaye sat down calmly where Mu Yuchen had sat. She nudged the plate of fruits over to him. "Have some. They're good for sobering up."

"Thanks, Xiaye," Han Yifeng responded.

"Ah Chen said that we had a respected guest coming over, but I didn't expect it to be you," Xi Xiaye said calmly as she took Mu Yuchen's teacup from earlier and took a sip from it. The tea was still warm.