Fickle In Love (3)

About half an hour later, Xi Xiaye got out unhurriedly from the bathroom and simply fixed her wet fringe as she turned to look at the bedside.

Mu Yuchen had kept away his phone and was casually browsing through her tablet.

As Xi Xiaye walked over, he kept the things away. Then, he turned to look at her as he helped her pull open the blanket and asked in a lowered voice, "What did you talk about with him for so long?"

Xi Xiaye casually pulled together her dark hair and slid underneath the blanket.

"What else could we have talked about? Just the same things. It feels like Han Yifeng's actually quite cold. When he becomes heartless, it's quite hard to get him back. Mr. Mu, will you be like that too? Be fickle in love?" She squinted at him, and then pulled over a pillow and leaned close to him.

"Fickle in love?" Mu Yuchen muttered softly as his dark eyes flashed with an indistinct light.