Another Year has Passed (3)

When Xi Xiaye asked that question, Shen Wenna fell silent.

After a while, she replied, "When you reach our age, you'll understand that we don't talk about love anymore. We just stay on and live our lives together. You know, I've told you since you were young that like me, some women aren't made to just live their whole lives with their me. If I had cried and fought with your father, things may not have ended like this now.

"Xiaye, no matter what happens, as women, we have to stay calm. Our mentality is also equally important. I hope you'll try your best to be an intellectual and intelligent woman."

Although Shen Wenna had spoken about these thoughts to her before, she had never really instilled them in Xi Xiaye.

"Especially when you get older, as a woman, you should have your own space and a life of your own. Women can't care as much as what you're doing now. Although I know that Ah Chen treats you well.. ."