Another Year Has Passed (4)

Who else could that graceful figure be but Dongfang Liuyun?

It seemed like she had just finished work too!

Despite already being New Year's Eve, this woman was still busy working at the research lab. Did she have to work so hard?

Her steps were extremely resounding and settled as she soon walked down the flight of stairs.

From what Qi Lei remembered, Dongfang Liuyun seemed to have always been like this. She would always exude that frank aura on her, even from the way she walked. However, behind this frankness, there was an air of mystery that she carried.

His gaze slowly followed her movements, and when she turned at the corner and was about to walk across the pedestrian crossing, he suddenly honked.

The sudden sound surprised Dongfang Liuyun, so she subconsciously turned around and looked behind her. Under the dim streetlights, she could see Qi Lei who sat in the car while he had lowered his window to wave at her.