1533章 鸿门宴(五)

Dongfang Ren murmured her assent a few times and then got Dongfang Rouer to escort Jin Sheng in to rest. Dongfang Rouer held Jin Sheng's arm reservedly while he turned his head and smiled at her. The scene seemed to be implying something, which many people were already discussing.

It seemed that the marriage between Dongfang Rouer and the young master of the Jin family was truly just around the corner, just by looking at those flirting winks between the couple.

Dongfang Liuyun kept her indifferent gaze as she stared at the scene in front of her. She thought that as long as she attended the party and stood there in silence, her time at the banquet might pass by peacefully. However, her thoughts were obviously too simple. When the gloomy gaze of a man caught her eyes, she already knew the reason behind Dongfang Rouer's invitation.