1534章 我娶你!(一)

She smiled faintly and took a step forward before whispering into Lin Yuanyuan's ear, "You can only play dumb tricks like that. Don't you ever get tired using the same trick?"

Lin Yuanyuan's face stiffened and a chill flashed across her eyes as she glared back at Dongfang Liuyun with a sharp, cold gaze!

Lin Yuanyuan had always hated Dongfang Liuyun, but of course, much of her hatred for Dongfang Liuyun came from Song Siting.

What was Song Siting like?

She was a vicious woman who did not care about her own family. With the mere ability that she had, she had almost forced them to death. She was the reason why the formerly successful Lin family ended up in such a downfall!