I Don't Want Anything, Except for You (7)

Her eyes were red now. Gritting her teeth, she looked at Chris with her exquisite face, and her usually delicate voice hardened determinedly as she said, "Tell him to stop the car. If not, I'll jump!"

Chris looked at her. In a soft, coaxing voice, he cooed, "Annie, close the door. We can discuss everything else later."

Did Annie not know him well enough?

He probably thought she wouldn't dare to let go.

Annie smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes. "You're thinking that I won't do it, right? Alright, I'll do it for you, then!"

She looked out of the car door. The car wasn't going at a fast speed but it still looked scary.

She didn't know what would happen after she jumped.

She had been afraid of pain since childhood. Moreover, her skin was soft and fragile, and the consequences of falling down would likely be terrible.

However, she didn't have the time to mull things over.