I Don't Want Anything, Except for You (8)

"He can! He did protect me! If he hadn't protected me, I would be dead! How is that not protecting me?" Annie asked.

"It's not!" Chris said severely. Even if he prevented harm from coming to you, he got injured in the process and paid with his life. If he can't escape unscathed, how can he protect against what lies ahead?"

Annie couldn't stand to hear Ye Sijue being spoken of like that so she hollered at him in a rage, "I won't allow you to speak of him like that! What do you know! He was already sick, and had shielded me when rolling down the slope! Do you know how much blood he lost! But he was so worried for me that he kept it a secret and didn't tell me! Can you imagine how spent he was then? Even so, he used his body to protect me from the venomous snake! He's even willing to throw his life away for me! How is that not enough? He's only human. He's not a god! You can't expect him to be perfect!"

Chris narrowed his eyes as he looked at her steadily.