For Ah Ze (4)

She said, "Do you still remember? When we were little, we promised Ah Ze that we would celebrate his birthday together.

Yin Shaojie sighed heavily. Placing his large hand against her cheek, he cupped it and looked deeply into her eyes. "Alright, if you insist on doing it in China, we will."

Could he say no?

Mu Xiaoxiao beamed. Tiptoeing, she leaned forward to kiss his handsome face.

"Jie, you're the best!"

"Am I?" There seemed to be something in Yin Shaojie's eyes as he caressed her soft, smooth cheek and said earnestly, "Don't ever forget it."

Don't forget that I'm the best.


Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to look for Jun Zeye and see how his injury was and ascertain if it was serious.

However, she realized that she had no way to contact him at all. She did not know how or where to look for him.

She went to school but Jun Zeye was not there.

She could not help but worry. Was his injury so serious that he could not come?