Is It Fate? (1)

There seemed to be something pressing against Mu Xiaoxiao's chest that was causing her to feel uncomfortable and depressed.

The radiator was on and the temperature felt just right, but there was a thin layer of sweat coating her body.

Since she could not fall back asleep anymore, Mu Xiaoxiao took off the covers, put on her slippers, and walked over to the window.

Opening the window revealed a gray world outside that resembled a fairyland.

The rain was light and the raindrops fell against the window pane in thin streaks.

Mu Xiaoxiao breathed onto the window pane and watched it fog up.

She wrote something absent-mindedly with her finger.

Upon reading it, she realized that she had actually written "Jie" and could not help but smile.

She pressed her hand against her chest. Traces of the nightmare before still lingered as though it was something that could not be waved away.

What had she dreamt about? Mu Xiaoxiao frowned.