Watch her embarrass herself (3)

"Wow, there's a buffet! There's a lot of food, and they all look delicious."

"There's even a five-star chef cooking on the spot. Isn't this too exaggerated? What should I do? I'm drooling."

"Oh my God, is this what the noble Academy is like? I feel like I'm in an idol drama."

When the students of No. 1 middle school entered the venue, they were all stunned.

They were like little sparrows that had never seen the world, chirping away.

Jiang ranxi had attended it last year, after all. She felt a little embarrassed when she heard the other students 'whispers.

But when she looked over, she was still shocked by the scene in front of her.

Last year's Christmas ball was already gorgeous, and this year's one was even more ...

Shangde high showed everyone what it meant to be an Elite Academy with its strength.

Jiang ranxi pinched the corner of her dress.