Watch her embarrass herself (4)

Jiang ranxi was instantly pleased with herself. Lifting her chin, she glanced at the girls and said, "-'m sorry, I'm going to prepare for the opening. In a moment, you'll be able to see young master Jie-Zhenzhen-and me for the opening dance! &Quot;

The girls went crazy when they saw her smug look.

Who the hell was this Jiang ranxi!

Jiang ranxi sashayed gracefully in her high heels and followed the student council to the backstage.

The Student Union member said to her, " the flow of the ball has been changed, but you won't be affected. You're the first to appear, so get ready. Five minutes. &Quot;

"Alright," he said. Jiang ranxi adjusted her hair and smiled enchantingly.

After a while, another student Union member brought a fat middle-aged man to her side.

Jiang ranxi instinctively dodged him in disgust, but she immediately recognized him as the principal of shangde.