Like an Old Friend

Pei Ziheng took a few steps forward, and Xia Ling vigilantly retreated.

His voice was low. "Tell me. How do you know?"

Her mind blank, she anxiously blurted out. "Li Lei said it." Besides, Big Boss Li was currently overseas on an island celebrating the Spring Festival. She did not believe that Pei Ziheng would really verify it with him.

"Li Lei?" Pei Ziheng's expression darkened. "He did a check on me?"

Xia Ling remembered that Li Lei had previously vaguely mentioned that he was investigating Pei Ziheng. He also warned her that Pei Ziheng was too dangerous and told her to keep a distance from him. Xia Ling did not know how much Li Lei had found out from the investigation, but no matter what, getting past her difficulty was the more important thing.

"You're his competitor and enemy in the industry. It is very normal for him to conduct an investigation on you." She tried her best to keep her cool.