New Beginning

Although her head was a negligible weight, his shoulders felt heavy, causing Pei Ziheng's entire body to stiffen.

This girl… was too similar to Xiao Ling. When Xiao Ling was tired, she always liked to lean on his shoulders, close her eyes, and assume a defenseless position. The weight on his shoulders which was as light as a feather felt like it weighed a ton. Pei Ziheng did not dare to move because he was afraid that he would wake her up. With her body slanted, that girl was sleeping soundly. Her originally knitted brows were slowly relaxing, and she seemed to be in a dream.

The snowflakes were flying around, and the city skyline was blurred as the car sped on the road.

"Boss, we have arrived." It was the chauffeur's voice. The car had stopped outside a villa.