The Show Is Over

Gu Jinxiu spun around to look at her with a face as pale as a ghost. "You… you…"

Xia Yingluo covered her chest and coughed a few times. This time, she coughed out a bloody lump of internal organs. She indifferently spat it out and looked at the two people behind the glass wall with a smirk. "Wei Lingnan, the show is over. Can you let me go now?" Her voice was clear and pleasing and echoed in the laboratory.

Only then did Gu Jinxiu respond. "Aren't you dead?!"

"I won't be dead before you are." Xia Yingluo looked at her dismissively and said to Wei Lingnan, "Open the door and let me out."

She was only wearing a thin white silk nightdress. Her skin and the dress were stained with blood, but there was a breathtaking beauty about her. In her bleak state, she looked like a demon that had arrived from a bloody hell.

How could there be anyone in this world who could look so beautiful even when they were in such a pathetic state…

Ah Luo, only Ah Luo.